Sunday, September 20, 2009

Calvin and Hobbes

I can honestly say that I have never read a Calvin and Hobbes comic before and I was really looking forward to finally reading some I have heard of how great they from a few of my friends. The story is primarily based on a boy that has a stuffed tiger, Hobbes, who is also his imaginary friend. The style of Calvin and Hobbes is extremely simple black lines with basic character designs. Most of the comics are just in black and white but, when the comic was originally published in the newspaper every Sunday comic was in color. The color really gave the Calvin and Hobbes a pop.
There isn't very much of a story in the comic because it was printed daily in the newspaper. As in most newspaper comics a short one shot thats cute, childish, and light. Every so often there are stories that would last about a week or so. There was a story about Calvin lost Hobbes and was going through a good deal of grief without him, the story lasted 7 stippes, one week. Most of the stories were really light hearted as I had mentioned. Some Calvin and Hobbes stories would deal with much darker subjects such as death. One strip was about Calvin and Hobbes finding a wounded Racoon, they try to rescue it but in the end it ends up dying. Its rather sad but, gave more depth and story to the usually light comic.
Calvin and Hobbes also had a lot to do with the imagination which greatly incompasses children. Many of the comic strips deal with, space ships, dinosaurs, and other wild imaginations of his. One of the greatly remembered strips was Calvins Transmogrifier machine which turns him into a young tiger and he runs around like that for a few strips until he decides he no longer wants to be a tiger.
I liked Calvin and Hobbes it reminded me of my childhood and I think it would still be very succsful if it was still printed in the newspaper today.

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