Saturday, November 14, 2009

King By Ho Che Anderson

King is a biographical graphic novel of Martin Luther King Jr. it followed Kings life from boyhood through college. I have no idea how accurate it was because I don't know my facts are King's life through the earlier years. This graphic novel was very wordy and it gave me quite the hard time to read it. I of course think that MLK was a great man but I not expecting a visual biography even though the title of the graphic novel is King. Reading this reminded me of high school doing a report on MLK, it bore me and slowly reading this graphic novel became more of a pain then anything else. I can understand why this graphic novel could be considered to be great especially for people who want to know more about MLK. I would actually recommend it to anyone who has an interest in MLK they would surely enjoy it. Me not really being one of those people I could have most definitely done without trying to get through it at all.

The one thing that did interest me about King was the art style. It was black and white and very bold. It reminded me of a stamp. I think it fit the sort of dramatic and bold feeling of the narrative. The parts that were in color were just as wonderful. Anderson dawned a somewhat of a impressionistic feel that greatly contrasted the black white but in a very successful way. I had heard good things about King and I really do wish I could have enjoyed it much more than I did. I think you really have to be a history buff to enjoy this one.

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